Monday, July 19, 2010

Duck Hunting in Palo Duro Canyon

A little while back, I took a trip to West Texas, Palo Duro Canyon to be exact... during Texas' rainy season.

Now, most folks would think taking a trip during rainy season to be a bad idea. Not me. I bring the camera anyway! You just never know when the opportunity is going to present itself.

In this photo, a couple of Mallards didn't mind the impending West Texas storms or a little water off their backs, which of course is probably how the phrase "like water off a duck's back" got started anyway.

While passing them by, hoping not to disturb them, I zoomed the camera out an open car window. Well, you didn't expect me to get out and stand in the rain, did you? Not that I would mind getting wet. I was in a Ford Expedition with 5 dogs - 2 very large, 2 medium and 1 small - I probably could've used a dip in that creek along side them Mallards! Shoot, though, the camera's an expensive camera; I didn't want to get it wet!

They do make rain coats for cameras, but alas, I do not have one. Maybe in the future.

Not many more pics came after this one, the storms moved in with severe lightning and torrential downpours. West Texas storms can get pretty bad pretty fast, as the land is flat, wide open prairie.

However, if you are looking for an affordable vacation, I highly recommend Palo Duro Canyon and it's sister canyon just to the south, Caprock Canyon, where the photo to the left was taken. I call it Texas Igloo. Well, doesn't it look like an igloo? At least from my camera's angle it does!

Here's another shot of Caprock Canyon

As well as a shot from deep within Palo Duro Canyon.

What? You were looking for actual duck hunting?
Come on, this is a photography site!

What did you think the title Duck Hunting in Palo Duro Canyon meant on a photography site?

See ya next time!

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